nature clock
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by our body, mainly in the pineal gland and in the skin, according to the alternation between light and dark. The night darkness activates the synthesis, the light of the day reduces it.
This alternation effectively regulates the rhythm of physiological processes.

After years of tenacious research, the Doctor Francesca Ferri has devised a unique extraction method, still reserved today, to obtain selected alpine plants (Avena sativa, Achillea millefolium, Salvia officinalis) a lipophilic extract rich in melatonin:
beauty re-encoder
The vegetable equivalent of human melatonin, identified in the nineties in some alpine and Mediterranean plants, performs a dual function: it regulates the photoperiodism of the plant, i.e. the processes related to the times and duration of light (leaf movements, growth, seed germination , etc.); acts as an antioxidant, counteracting the phenomena of exposure to stress conditions that cause oxidative damage (high or low temperatures, pollutants, ozone, UV rays, etc.).
Melatonin, a precious neuroendocrine mediator, performs multiple biological activities such as hormone, neurotransmitter, immunomodulator, in interaction with membrane or nuclear receptors of keratinocytes, melanocytes and fibroblasts.
activities + benefits
nature + science
Extensive experimental studies have shown that the application of Phytomelatonin oil thanks to its marked lipophilicity, it penetrates the inside of the stratum corneum and deposits and distributes it slowly and continuously in the dermis, activating an effective contrasting action against the biological damage of photoaging and chronoaging.

1. efficacy test
Innovative colorimetric test that highlights the antioxidant capacity of Phytomelatonin Oil on keratinocytes.

2. efficacy test
Innovative colorimetric test that highlights the remodeling capacity of Phytomelatonin Oil on the cytoskeleton.
3. efficacy test
Innovative colorimetric test that highlights the skin's proliferation and regeneration ability of Phytomelatonin Oil on the cytoskeleton.

4. efficacy test
Test on 43 subjects with signs of chronological aging
and photo-induced with daily application of Phytomelatonin Oil.
average wrinkle width decrease

decrease in peak height of the wrinkle