MELATONIN: from synthesis to the mechanism of action
Synchronization of biological rhythms
The biological rhythms of the organism are regulated by a sort of "biological clock", located in the hypothalamus: the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus. The most evident examples of this "clock" are: the variation of blood pressure and that of body temperature, the regulation of sleep / wakefulness and hunger / thirst, the regulation of the tone and movements of the smooth muscles of the organs of the digestive system, urinary system and the secretory activity of the glands. All of these listed above fall within circadian rhythms, but gestation, childbirth, breastfeeding or development are also subject to this neuronal control. The light / dark alternation is recognized as the main factor that regulates circadian rhythms and melatonin is the effector of this system.
Body temperature modulator
Body temperature is controlled by the body's thermoregulatory center located inside the hypothalamus. This center works like a thermostat, which sets an average core body temperature whose values are around 37 ° C ± 0.5 ° C - records the variations and determines the adjustments. The change in body temperature follows a circadian rhythm and therefore melatonin affects it. Melatonin is able to reduce body temperature by about 0.3 ° C (40% of the circadian variation in temperature). The hypothermic effect of Melatonin has been highlighted with its diurnal administration, that is, when it is not normally produced: an effect similar to the physiological one is found. If administered during the night, when endogenous melatonin is normally produced, melatonin does not exert an additional hypothermic effect.
Sleep modulator
The best known physiological action, and perhaps still the most exploited of melatonin, is the effect it has on sleep. The effect of the substance was evaluated on various components of sleep. The greatest and most consistent effect is certainly that exerted on the propensity to fall asleep, which shows a variation over the 24 hours: it rises suddenly after 8 pm, simultaneously with the onset of melatonin secretion, to reach a maximum at the melatonin peak and the lowest levels of body temperature.
Natural antiplatelet agent
Melatonin is the most physiological antiplatelet agent, guaranteeing the maintenance of the properties of the blood and the trophism of the vessel walls. This action can also be considered biorhythmically regulated and be more accentuated during the night
Natural defense of free radicals
Melatonin exerts an antioxidant action as a free molecule and it is of great importance that it exerts this action in all intracellular compartments. This is due to its lipophilic nature which makes it able to cross all biological barriers and spread to every compartment of the cell. By entering the cell as a free molecule, melatonin is able to exert a function of neutralization of free radicals: by donating electronic groups to free radicals it makes them less reactive and therefore less toxic. By reacting with a free radical, melatonin is oxidized and forms an indole cationic radical. Subsequently, the indole radical, reacting with a superoxide radical anion (O2ˉ), forms a stable and non-toxic product, 5-methoxy-N-acetyl-N-formyl-kynuramine. The scavenger action of melatonin has also proved efficient towards the peroxyl radical (ROOˉ), a radical species that is generated during lipid peroxidation and which propagates a chain reaction that induces massive lipid destruction in cell membranes. Melatonin is extremely powerful in protecting against damage caused by free radicals also induced by various external stimuli. Thus, DNA damage resulting from exposure to carcinogenic chemicals or ionizing radiation is markedly reduced when melatonin is co-administered
Immunomodulatory melatonin
The interaction between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems has long been known, and is an integral part of a discipline called neuroimmunomodulation. It is established that the immune and central nervous systems are linked both anatomically and functionally and that different signal molecules and receptors are common to both. The immunimodulatory action of melatonin is mediated by receptors located both at the membrane and nuclear level
We can therefore basically distinguish two functions of melatonin in relation to the immune system: an antigen-dependent action, where melatonin produces activation of the immune system by strengthening the functions of T-helper and the production of cytokines, and an antigen-independent action. at the hematopoietic level where it maintains immune homeostasis.
Membrane stabilizer
Melatonin intervenes in the control of neurotransmission at the level of the neuronal membranes of the nervous system, resulting in a stabilizing action of electrical activity.
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It is very interesting and I would like to try melatonin to gain experience thanks.
I want to know more about the effects of Melatonin
Can melatonin be used for memory?
By regulating the wake / sleep cycle, melatonin can help improve attention and memory
Can I take melatonin with kidney failure?
Good evening Mr. Need,
there is no contraindication in the use of Melatonin Complex Effegilab in renal insufficiency at the dosage indicated by the Ministry (1 tablet in the evening).
In the medical literature there are several studies that indicate the use of melatonin also in the course of this pathology.
I would like to know if women can also take melatonin and also there are several. How do you understand the most complete one. Thank you.
Good afternoon and thanks for your interest.
Melatonin is suitable for all people over 40 years of age, as there is a progressive physiological decline as we age, melatonin also balances itself within the body, therefore, even if a quantity is taken greater, the body eliminates excess via the urinary tract and sweat.
As for the second question, we believe it meant how do you know which melatonin is the most complete?
If this is the question, the answer is the following:
The most complete melatonin, or rather the only one that can be assimilated by the human body, is the one conjugated with adenosine and glycine, this synergy creates a hydrogen bridge that makes our melatonin bioavailable and assimilable by the human body.
Without this conjugation, melatonin can break down into alcohol or oil, substances that are difficult to detect in the digestive system of people. This is to say that, unlike Ns Melatonin Complex 1mg, all the other "pure" melatonins, even in high doses, are not assimilated by the body. In summary, if you take 1mg of pure melatonin (therefore not conjugated with other substances), you will excrete 1mg of pure melatonin.
Hello, I am 56 years old, obesity and abdominal bloating, hypetese, high cholesterol triglycerides, intolerant to gluten and lactose.
My biggest pain is the isomnia associated with anxiety especially when I get to bed. Which also leads to difficulties in losing weight.
I ask:
what is the recommended dosage of conjugated melatonin? Is it possible to avoid lactose? What can be added to melatonin tablets? Hypericum? passionflower / theanine / valerian etc? Magnesium-potassium?
I'm waiting.
thank you!
The article is interesting
Yes, as I have recurrent tumor 3 times in the right breast I would like to know what kind of melatonin I could take and which pure melatonin and what substances or ingredients it has .. thank you very much
With best regards
Arlene rock
Dear Arlene,
I'm sorry about your health problem. Only your doctor can evaluate if and which type of Melatonin to use for this type of problem.
Melatonin Complex is pure Melatonin, conjugated with Adenosine, which is a natural substance that is part of the cell's energy production cycle,
and Glycine, another natural substance that takes part in numerous functions of the organism. The conjugated formulation would make it more bioavailable and with greater
efficacy for its biological functions.
A greeting.
Is melatonin recommended for teens suffering from insomnia?
Good morning,
given that there are many types of insomnia and different causes, Melatonin is certainly the most suitable natural substance for inducing and maintaining sleep during the night.
In boys, Conjugated Melatonin has an excellent effect, especially when the daily rhythms alter due to study, sports or play activities, and it is difficult to recover
the normal sleep / wake cycle.
We remain available for any further clarification!
My son is almost 1 year old and since he was born we no longer know the word sleep because he wakes up every 20 minutes at night… Is melatonin recommended?
Good morning Emily,
given that the pediatrician must identify the cause of the problem, melatonin has precisely as an indication the regulation of the sleep-wake rhythm, therefore it is indicated in many sleep disorders, even in pediatric age. Our melatonin is conjugated, that is, it is bound to adenosine and also contains glycine. These two natural molecules support the function of melatonin.
Good morning,
I am 71 years old and following a slight eschemia that happened to me 6 years ago due to episodic atrial fibrillation, I am coagulated with Coumadin.
I sleep at night but rarely well.
Can I take Melatonin?
If so, with what dosage?
Thank you.
Dear Maria,
provided that your doctor needs to tell you which supplements you can take, melatonin may increase the activity of Coumadin.
Please take a look at our Nightorelax product and show it to your doctor to check the indications in your particular case.
Good morning,
I am 71 years old and following a slight eschemia that happened to me 6 years ago due to episodic atrial fibrillation, I am coagulated with Coumadin.
I sleep at night but rarely well.
Can I take Melatonin?
If so, with what dosage?
Thank you.
Given that I suffer from pain disease due to a spinal infection after a herniated disc surgery, surgeries that I have undergone 8 times to clean the operated part and cleanse the infected area as they told me that the antibiotics had difficulty in reaching the infected area. And for all this I have been treated with intatrecal and oral morphine for 10 years, later for neuromyalgia I have been treated with cortisone for about two years, Do you think that melatonin can help my body that is denouncing my discomfort, especially cortisone. I am 84 years old WAITING FOR HIS ANSWER THANKS AND BEING TAKEN ON JANUARY 1 TO MAKE HIM BEST WISHES FROM FELICE 1918 TOMMASO GUGLIELMI
Dear Mr. Guglielmi,
given that your doctor must tell you which supplements to use and which to avoid, melatonin, as a natural molecule, also has that of being
a powerful antioxidant and can have a mild analgesic action. Therefore, you can consult with your doctor to be able to take Melatonin Complex.
A cordial greeting with our best wishes!
Hi doctor I am 37 years old I suffer from irritable colon, adenomyosis, and lately muscle and joint pains, I suffer from hiatal hernia and sometimes in the evening I find it hard to digest I did not take anything X sleep but lately I am noticing that at night I wake up the pains in the part illiaca dx… can I try to take melatonin?
Can melatonin be used in Friedrich's ataxia degenerative genetic disease?
Dear Cinzia,
Given that the treating physician or specialist can indicate which supplements can be used and which not in each individual patient, melatonin can manifest antioxidant effects on cells but there are also subjective phenomena of ataxia. Therefore, only your doctor or specialist can tell you if and how much melatonin to take.
Good evening, I'm 58 years old Anna. Ever since I was a young girl I have always felt an excessive body temperature and after the menopause the situation got worse. Could it help me to take melatonin to regulate my body temperature? Thank you
Good morning Anna,
given that the treating doctor or specialist can indicate which supplements can be used and which not, in some clinical studies melatonin has shown a modulation of variations
body temperature during sleep. Surely the sleep-wake rhythm could benefit as well as his sleep quality.
Hello, I'm Marco 64 years old, Diabetic in multi-injective insulin treatment, I take Trittico drops in limit dosage in the evening to sleep about 4 hours or a little more per night, I ask in order to improve the hours of sleep, if it is possible to integrate the therapy pharmacological with melatonin and possibly in what dosage and type, thanks
Dear Mr. Marco,
Given that the first advice we can give you is to consult your doctor, Melatonin Complex can be used in the course of diabetes.
The dosage required by law is one milligram (one tablet) to be taken in the evening but only your doctor can indicate a different dosage.
If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards from Effegilab
Hi, I have been suffering from hot flashes for 10 years corresponding to the beginning of menopause. Strangely, differently from many other women the hot flashes the more the years pass and the stronger they are even one every three quarters of now !! they are accompanied by sweating, dry throat, need drinking, agitation, nervousness, etc. could melatonin be useful to me? thanks for the reply!
Dear Mrs. Rosanta,
Melatonin Complex can certainly help you in regulating biological rhythms. Take a look at our FG Pausa product
which contains, in addition to isoflavones and Vitamin E.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
A cordial greeting from Effegilab
Good evening from what age you can take a good rest thanks
Good evening Mrs. Elena,
if you intend the Nightorelax this can be administered from 3 years onwards.
If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
A cordial greeting from Effegilab.
Hi, I have read that melatonin can help hair regrowth in case of alopecia, I would like to know if it can also be administered in case of discoid lupus (Les). My daughter is 27 and possibly at which dosage? Thank you.
melatonin can certainly help hair regrowth in some forms of alopecia (there are different types). As a supplement, melatonin has no contraindications but in the course of an autoimmune disease it is always advisable to contact your specialist doctor, especially if you are taking specific drugs for the disease in progress.
As for the dosage, the Ministry of Health indicates the dosage of melatonin in one milligram, but your doctor can recommend different dosages after making an assessment of the patient's condition.
A cordial greeting from Effegilab
Hi Doctor, I'm a 59 year old lady, my problem is skin spots due to sun exposure, which I try to avoid. If I am not mistaken these spots are caused by melatonin deficiency so I would like to know if taking a supplement could be better
Good morning,
if I have not misunderstood his spots are white? i.e. non-pigmented areas of skin remain?
Let me know, so I can give you the correct answer.
Good evening,
sorry for the delay in replying but we had problems with the mail.
Melatonin has the ability to even out skin color, eliminating hyperpigmentation. If your problem is a melanin deficiency, melatonin is not effective.
You should apply a Tyrosine-based cosmetic, such as tanning products, to stimulate the production of melanin.
Good evening. I have my mother with Alzheimer's with symptoms of hyperactivity and insomnia and nocturnal wandering. It has been taking an antiplatelet agent in the evening for years. Can i give her melatonin? Is it necessary to suspend the antiplatelet agent with the intake of melatonin? Thank you!
Good evening,
sorry for the delay in replying but we had problems with the mail.
Melatonin may affect the coagulant function, therefore it should be used with caution in patients taking antiplatelet agents. The best thing to do is ask your doctor or hematologist.
Is melatonin addictive?
Good evening,
sorry for the delay in replying but we had problems with the mail.
Melatonin is not addictive, no addiction to melatonin has been highlighted in any clinical study.
hello, I have been suffering from fibromyalgia for many years ex sleeping the rheumatologist prescribed me rivotril which I take in low doses 4gcc in the evening, but I sleep only the first hours with awakenings, I would like to eliminate this drug entirely. would you recommend melatonin? If so, which one. grzie
Good evening and sorry for the delay in replying but we had problems with the server.
The scientific literature has highlighted the beneficial role of melatonin in patients with fibromyalgia.
EFFEGILAB Melatonin Complex is conjugated with Adenosine and Glycine, two natural substances that can contribute
to improve the quality of his sleep even more.
Good evening, my dog is taking 4 melatonin tablets makes 1 mg for itching. Is the dose excessive? Thank you
Hello, how much does your dog weigh? What is the itch due to?
Except melatonin tablets have some side effects on heart patients
By taking them you can rest a little more at night
Good morning,
the Ministry does not indicate any warnings for heart patients therefore, at the indicated dosage, no side effects are known and can help you sleep better
and to reduce nocturnal awakenings.
Hi, my 3 year old mixed breed dog weighs 47 kg, suffers from severe idiopathic epilepsy and is refractory to drugs, takes 9 tablets of your melatonin complex divided into three rations during the day, is really improving, together takes: 2 and a half tablets of Libromide 25mg + 4 and a half tablets of Soliphen 60 mg morning and evening, will you be able to increase the melatonin again to try to reduce the drugs to avoid liver problems? Thank you very much Good afternoon, Loredana.
Dear Mrs. Nicolato,
the first step to take when doing combined drug / melatonin therapy is to start scaling Libromide first and administer only 2 tablets.
If the dog is stable, after a week the Soliphen can be reduced to 3 tablets in the morning and evening.
When he starts climbing Soliphen can give the Melatonin Complex at 4x3x3.
Who is your vet? He probably came to my conference on melatonin.
Waiting for your reply, I offer you my best regards.
Fabio Olivieri
Hello, even our dog (about 33 kg) started taking your melatonin in association with the drugs he was already doing (he too libromide 2.5 cpx2 climbed up to 1.5 × 2 and soliphen 1e3 / 4 x2 to climb) currently melatonin is 2cp x 2 (morning and early afternoon) + kanarescue gtt x2, on the advice of the veterinarian.
up to what dosage of melatonin can you get? it is possible to have your articles or more news on epilepsy (possibly also human, I too am epileptic). Thanks Paola